The Curator’s Present – collaboration with Rachel Dobbs

In the context of the Spot On project, the performance and collaboration piece ‘The Curator’s Present’ researches the basic requirements for a curatorial practice. It consists of a series of collaborative performances with Plymouth based artist Rachel Dobbs and interviews with the ‘inhabitants’ of the Scott Building where Spot On takes place. You can follow… Continue reading The Curator’s Present – collaboration with Rachel Dobbs

Spot On – Fieldwork: Deborah Robinson and Lucy + Jorge Orta

This presentation focuses on ‘field work’ and ‘field trips’ with the aim to establish links between the Arts and Science, that may lead to student and staff engagement in shared teaching experiences and which may grow interdisciplinary research at the University of Plymouth. On show is work by Deborah Robinson and Lucy + Jorge Orta.… Continue reading Spot On – Fieldwork: Deborah Robinson and Lucy + Jorge Orta

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